


我们希望您有兴趣在您的家庭或企业中使用PrentissConnect! 如果是这样的话, please provide us with you information by clicking on the 服务应用程序 and email the completed form to service@pcepa.以进入我们的服务申请名单.

  • 无限的娱乐,没有减速时间! 最高可达1000mbps, 我们的全光纤网络将让你做任何你想做的事, 只要你想. 下载在几秒钟和流即时. You can use multiple devices at the same time without seeing slowdowns when all your neighbors are connected at the same time.
  • 上传和下载一样快. 不管你用高速网络做什么,上网冲浪, 视频直播, 上传照片, 共享大文件, or video chatting in HD–our superfast upload and download speeds give you all the capacity you’ll need and then some.
  • 强大的无线互联网. Our powerful latest technology Wi-Fi routers are designed to give you access to superfast Internet throughout your home or business.
  • 以光速与世界相连!


  • 主页 我们的互联网交换机位于三个不同的混凝土防空洞中. The Baldwyn switches are connected by Cspire fiber to Atlanta and the Booneville switches are connected by Cspire fiber to Chicago. PrentissConnect连接了鲍德温和布恩维尔之间的光纤. Automatic failover switches will keep our internet service operating for our customers if one of the Cspire routes fail. We placed storm shelters with internet equipment at our electric substations for the best electric service reliability. We purchased 6 hour battery backup systems and installed transfer connections for portable generators at each storm shelter so we can keep our internet system operating just in case of extended power outages. No other company has taken such extreme measures to keep their customers operating during adverse circumstances.


  • BCK体育注册官网 这意味着没有年度合同, 没有安装费用或隐藏费用,因为我们的承包商是在你的房子附近建造的. Choose the Superfast 200mbps for $52 per month including managed wifi or take the leap with our Ultrafast 1000mbps(Gig) 首页 Internet service plan for just $82 per month. 你被禁锢了这么久, 在你的团队中成为第一个有“Gig”人脉可以炫耀的人!
  • 尽可能多地使用互联网. PrentissConnect is the Internet service provider who won’t put caps on how much data you can use. So all your family and friends can go ahead and stream, download, study, and watch videos together.
  • 主页 没有长期合同意味着没有提前终止费. We hope you won’t terminate, but if you change your mind, you can switch plans or cancel anytime. 没有隐藏的细节.
  • BCK体育注册官网 Customers now have the convenience of paying their INTERNET BILL online via the Internet or by Interactive Voice Response.
    通过互联网支付账单 或者拨打免费电话, (866) 252-5891,用电话付款. 电子账户的便利费为2美元.信用卡支付95美元,1美元.电子支票付款95元. Fiber账户的便利费是1美元.信用卡和电子支票支付均为50英镑.


  • 社区中的纤维. 我们希望我们服务的社区中的每个人都能充分发挥潜力. We are here working every day to help answer questions and help customers learn more about just what a life changer and community changer high speed Fiber Internet access brings. Our great grandmothers use to slave washing clothes all day in a lake or stream then came the first wringer clothes washers when electricity came out into the rural areas. 今天我们用的是带定时器的自动洗衣机. In the future with high speed internet we will be able to communicate with all of our appliances and watch live security cameras while we are away from home.
  • 久经考验的全天候客户服务. 从友好, 知识渊博的员工,以准确的服务预约, 您将随时享受我们全天候的本地客户服务. 在正常工作日,你可以顺便来和我们面对面交谈.


  • We have designed our fiber system to connect every home and business in our service area. 主要线路光纤工作人员将首先通过社区运行主要光纤. 如果第一根纤维没有到达你的身边,你并没有被排除在外. A second Service Drop crew will connect each customer that applies for service to the main fiber and mount a small box next to your electric meter. 在我们给你打电话并安排好安装时间之后, 第三名安装人员将在墙上插入一根小光纤, 地板上, or ceiling to a central location for the router that we provide and then turn your service on.
  • All 条状态连接 internet bills will be sent to you by your email address and will be due the same day 比如你的电费账单. The first bill will be sent a day or so before you normally receive your monthly electric bill. The first internet bill will include the next month so it well be more than the following bills.
  • 我们很乐意按月向你方开具银行汇票, 或者您也可以在我们的新售货亭用现金支付,无需额外费用. There is a reasonable convenience fee to pay by card or check at these same kiosks or online at PrentissConnect.Com或免费电话877-895-6539. Because we are required to keep the internet money separate from the power bill money, 我们不接受邮寄付款, 付款驱动, 或者在电力系统办公室交夜间上网押金.
  • Please remember that your first internet bill from 条状态连接 will be larger to allow us to collect a month in advance. If you stop service in the future we will calculate and refund the portion of the advance payment due back. 你的网络账单也将在同一天到期 到期日期 比如你的电费账单.
  • 我们的路由器有两种不同的wifi信号(PrentissConnect 5G或2).4)供您使用,4个以太网端口用于直接连接. 我们可以提供数字固定电话服务,收费合理. If you want to keep your present phone number bring us a copy of your present phone bill and give us 7 business days to get your present phone number transferred to our system.
  • 一定要在申请服务时附上你的电子邮件. We cannot run fiber to your home without an email address to send your monthly bill. Because of the great increase in customers needing to call PCEPA with internet questions we could not get customers scheduled for installs the next day. Since our contractor already had a calling service from Miami that worked for them on other jobs, 我们现在正在使用它们来打电话给我们的客户来安排安装时间. 如果你有来电显示,你可能会看到迈阿密、PrentissConnect或加州. If you have applied for internet and a drop has been run to your home with a small gray box mounted next to your electric meter then please answer their calls to get connected.
  • 我们的光纤系统建设进展非常顺利. Our suppliers that also work with other systems are asking us questions about why our build out is moving faster than others they see.
  • Our Mississippi legislators set aside 50/50 grant money from the federal CARES covid virus funds to be used in building fiber to underserved internet areas by December 30th and June 30th to help school children, 老师, 还有一些人在家工作或接受医疗服务. We applied and received $5 million and will match with our borrowed money to build to communities like Dry Creek, 橡树山, Osburne溪, 黑土, 普拉特, 霍普韦尔, Zions休息, 流浪汉站, 湾温泉, 新网站, 新的希望, 山教堂, 马丁•希尔, 高度, 烛台教堂, 等. 他们从未接触过真正的高速互联网. 我们正在将我们的社区与世界连接起来.
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